Monday, April 2, 2007

Let's Start Again

I have never liked not having a routine, but sometimes life will throw a few curveballs and create all sorts of things that prevent me from having a routine from day to day. I'm not sure why I never seem to find the proper schedule for myself when signing up for classes, or why I never manage to find a way to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day, but I'm hoping that someday that may change.

This week is going to be a busy one. There is an awful lot of homework that needs to both be done and reviewed in preparation for the last couple of mid-terms, not to mention finals. There is a project for my English 322 class that needs to be started and finished in the next week as well. I am still not happy with the fact that right in the middle of being on top of my schoolwork I had to miss almost an entire week with bronchitis. I was doing so well for once and then it all got ripped out from underneath me.

My sister got engaged last week, and so my mother is making a 'wedding planning' trip out to Provo this next week to shop for dresses and whatever else is supposed to be planned for. She arrives on Wednesday of this week and will be here until Sunday. Unfortunately for me, I am in class or at work except for in the evenings for basically the entire time she is in town. There should be time for us to see each other though, so I don't forsee any difficulties there. She'll be spending a vast amount of her time with Shyla taking care of wedding plans anyways.

I was noticing yesterday that there might be some benefit to those around me if I was not such an avid fan. Let me explain. While I am a sports fan in general, I am an extremely big fan of the Colorado Avalanche. Normally this wouldn't be much of an issue except for the fact that there are not any other Avalanche fans that I interact with on a regular basis. Anyways, back to my original point. I think it might be less intense for everyone else if I was to keep my "fandom" to myself most of the time, not all of the time because I don't think I have that much control, but most of the time at least. In the end it just makes me look like a little kid I think who doesn't realize that there are much more important things in his life than whether or not the Colorado Avalanche actually make the playoffs this season.

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