Saturday, April 21, 2007

100 Things About Me

I have seen other people do a similar list and so I decided to work on mine while I was reviewing for my German 101 final and cleaning up the house today. Holly is at work until 5:00 this evening and I'm trying not to burn out on any one particular task if possible.

Anyways, here goes, in no specific order:

1. I will never, ever be happy with not being on time.

2. My favorite color is blue.

3. I can talk about hockey, especially Colorado Avalanche hockey for hours on end.

4. I have had ingrown toenails surgically removed while I watched.

5. Optimus Prime really is my hero.

6. I have always ached deep inside to own a Macintosh laptop.

7. My world would end if ESPN Sportscenter was ever taken off the air.

8. My wife's name is Holly, and she's always going to be more attractive than your wife.

9. I wear size 13 shoes.

10. I once spent 3 days in a hospital with 74 wires attached to my head.

11. I missed all but 9 weeks of the seventh grade.

12. Touching wet glass, especially warm wet glass, gives me the creeps.

13. I am the loudest person that I know.

14. I've won writing awards that nobody else knows about.

15. My first son will be named McKay after McKay Jacobsen of the BYU Football team.

16. I will never think there is a good reason to lie, but I'm just as guilty as everyone else in finding plenty of bad reasons to.

17. I despise the use of laptop touchpads; they bother me.

18. Given the chance, I would read a book cover to cover without stopping.

19. I will never be convinced that Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series is not the greatest fantasy story to date.

20. I think that being lonely for any amount of time is the worst punishment possible.

21. My favorite restaurants is Carraba's Italian Grill.

22. My favorite juice is Kool-aid Strawberry Lemonade.

23. I love Cherry 7-up.

24. Stouffer's frozen macaroni and cheese is my ultimate guilty pleasure.

25. My wife will never own too much lingerie.

26. I only use Pilot G2 7mm pens. All others are inferior.

27. I have used a non-mechanical pencil exactly 4 times in the last five years.

28. One of my dreams is to publish an actual novel.

29. I am obsessed with Transformers.

30. I can't sleep without two pillows.

31. I served a mission in Columbus, Ohio.

32. I hold the mission record for consecutive months served in a leadership position with 19 straight months as a District Leader and no, I would not care to repeat that.

33. If I had the chance I would see every single movie on the big screen. They just look better that way.

34. I have some seriously good dancing skill that nobody will ever see.

35. If I could have any job in the world it would be as an NHL goalie. I wouldn't even care what team.

36. I usually don't win arguments.

37. I spent 6 years of my childhood with unexplainable seizures in my arms, legs, and head. The doctors never did figure out what was wrong with me, and then one day they simply went away and never came back.

38. I have lived in Dallas, Texas; Houston, Texas; London, England; Denver, Colorado; Bartlesville, Oklahoma; Provo, Utah and various cities in Ohio. Of all of them I would go back to Oklahoma or Ohio in a heartbeat.

39. I will never say no to someone who wants to play frisbee; day or night, rain or shine.

40. If I can't be an NHL goalie, I want to be a race car driver.

41. There will never be a day when I will accept the idea that in-laws on either side of a family should have a say in how someone lives their lives.

42. I own one of the coolest Optimus Prime action figures on earth and I honestly believe that everyone else should be jealous of me because of it.

43. I hate clutter. I always will.

44. I would be willing to admit that I have some seriously borderline obsessive compulsive tendencies.

45. I think there is quite a bit of enjoyment to be had in reading Cosmopolitan magazine.

46. I owned a pet frog for five years and then I bought a fish that I made my sister take care of for two years while I was gone. She still hates that fish and its been dead for almost two years now.

47. I might have a cell phone out of necessity, but I will never in my entire life actually want to have one.

48. If I could pick up any habit and never drop it I would want to have the motivation to write in a journal every single night before I go to bed. I worry that someday my children will forget who I was.

49. I watch sports on Sunday, and I think people who judge me for it will wind up in hell someday.

50. I actually own every single Star Wars novel that has been written, with the exception of the one that came out last month.

51. Whenever I finally buy my own house my wife will be allowed to decorate it any way that she wants--except for the office, that will be mine.

52. There are probably less than 20 people in the world that I would be willing to take a bullet for.

53. I chased a girl for 8 years and never actually managed to catch her. It isn't a very good time to look back on, so I don't.

54. I can eat an entire box of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese in less than 90 seconds. I'm willing to bet not very many people can do that.

55. I will always think that my last name is the coolest one on earth because it is Irish.

56. I only ever had one girlfriend, and I'm married to her. Cool, eh?

57. I am almost always hungry.

58. My favorite movie is Finding Forrester.

59. My all-time favorite book is "Rogue Squadron" by Michael A. Stackpole.

60. I have always had some of the coolest looking calf muscles I've ever seen.

61. I will be 33 years old when my youngest sister graduates from high school. I am still trying to come to grips with that notion.

62. I like dim lighting.

63. I can count the number of best friends I've ever had on one hand.

64. I am undeniably a Conquer Club addict. Luckily, my wife is okay with that.

65. I love flowers.

66. I think that the cost of postage stamps continuing to rise is one of the worst ideas in the modern world.

67. I can drive a stick shift.

68. When I worked at a pretzel shop I could roll 75 pretzels a minute. I was so fast that the oven could not keep up with me.

69. During my life I have worked at McDonalds, Pretzelmaker, and as a BYU Custodian.

70. There are a few people that I've known that I wouldn't mind never seeing again. Really, not in this life, or the next.

71. I have never smoked or done drugs, but there was once when I had some tequila, so I can't say I've never had alcohol.

72. I plan on building a full size go-kart track in my backyard someday so that my children can be race car drivers when they grow up.

73. I can road-trip with the best of them.

74. I insist on being able to see a clock from wherever I am sitting in my house without having to turn around. If there needs to be seven clocks in a room, so be it.

75. I thrive off of natural sunlight and I'm pretty sure I get seasonally depressed because of it.

76. I made out with a girl on a whim in the back of a bus once.

77. I think that the greatest invention to date is the jump drive.

78. My little sister's friends used to think I looked super hot in my church clothes, but not in my regular clothes.

79. I wore suspenders to school countless times during my senior year of high school.

80. My absolutely favorite food item is a perfectly baked potato. I would eat one for lunch every single day for the remainder of my life if it was possible.

81. If I made a list of my pet peeves, it would dwarf this one.

82. I think that my ties are the best part of my wardrobe.

83. I take loyalty more seriously than any other person I know.

84. Despite everything else, I am one of the most boring people I know.

85. I fully expect to die in my sleep or instantaneously in a car wreck.

86. Outliving my wife absolutely terrifies me.

87. I want to live in Wales someday.

88. I know what my credit score is.

89. I figured out how to wiggle my ears while sitting on my bed after getting in trouble as a 13 year old.

90. Know-it-all's piss me off. I don't even pretend to tolerate them.

91. I find the clicking of keyboard keys soothing.

92. My first love used me. I'm still not happy about it.

93. I had never eaten Strawberry Shortcake, Turkey Pot Pie, Supreme Pizza, Funeral Potatoes, Grapefruit, Watermelon and countless other things before I was 19.

94. I worry about money at least five times a day.

95. I bought the Carmen Electra Aerobic Striptease DVDs for my wife.

96. I almost always need to eat popcorn when watching a movie.

97. In a perfect world I would shower every morning and every night just like I used to.

98. I really don't like to go grocery shopping.

99. If there is a chocolate cake with vanilla frosting on the counter I will eat nothing but cake for every meal until it is gone.

100. The most important: I love my wife. Her name is Holly.


gravityguysgirl said...

You were offered Strawberry shortcake, pot pie, and watermelon several times while you were growing up. You just refused to eat them.

Shyla said...

I agree wholeheartedly with number #42. I'm glad I could provide you with bragging rights.