Monday, February 26, 2007

This Week Should Be Better

I am pretty sure that no matter what this week will be much less stressful than last week; or at least it better be because I was not a very happy person for most of last week.

It is snowing again today which seems ridiculous to me. There cannot possibly be an explanation for why we need to have a snow flurry every five or six hours. I would love it to just warm up and stay that way from now on. This has been a very cold and very long winter for me and since I am convinced I suffer from some mild form of seasonal depression it would be great to get this dreary weather over with.

I've got big plans to get things done over the next seven days. They include finishing all of my homework before Saturday, working a complete 20 hours for the first time in awhile, spending a little time doing a bit of creative writing to post on Writers Block, watching the BYU basketball game on Wednesday if possible, attending the meeting for Impact Magazine on campus to try and get some technical writing experience, doing some pushups, getting the water pump fixed on the car and likely about seventeen other great ideas that I can't remember at the moment. If I accomplish half of this list I'll feel pretty good, more than that and I'll be puffing my chest out like nobody's business. Oh, and on top of all that I have a floor hockey game to play goalie in as well.

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