Monday, January 22, 2007

The Powers That Be

I think that the powers that be are going to have to accept that fact that I aspire to become one of them at some point in my life. I am going to be "a power that be" and there is nothing any of the rest of these so called powers can do about it. Bring it.

Lot's of people have commented on the fact that I write my words on paper using all capital letters. David Wallace got me started on this while he was my companion on my mission though I cannot explain why I decided to pick it up. Perhaps I just thought it was cool. Today however I decided that maybe I should go back to writing with lower-case letters as well since writing quickly in all capitals has led me to numerous hand cramps today alone. I'll think on it a little longer and decide sometime soon. I know that my handwriting is a lot harder to read if I don't use all capitals, but maybe that isn't the real point here after all.

I had a great weekend, very relaxing, some fun mixed in, it was great, but despite seven and a half hours of sleep last night I am in an awkward phase today. I have reviewed my lists of things to do and I don't have much of anything that is required of me today, but deep done inside the depths of my inner soul I keep thinking I am forgetting something and it has made me slightly frantic. Not frantic like a gerbil on crack, but frantic like a hyper-active slug perhaps. It's been a rocky morning so far.

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