Friday, January 19, 2007

Welcome To The Breezy Season

I think that if it takes until 4:00 in the afternoon for the temperature to slide into the double digits that there must be something inherently wrong with the entire balance of the cosmos. Such has been the weather lately and I will admit that if I was in charge, there would be no winter, but rather just a breezy season where the wind blew all the time. I'd rather it be windy than cold.

Today I made it official and did something about the fact that I am beginning to dislike my current employment more and more each time I clock in. Hence I went to talk to Sheyla over at Helaman Halls where I worked this past summer to see if she would be interested in allowing me to work for her instead to which she readily and heartily agreed seeing as she had tried several times previously to lure me over there. The upside to this new arrangement is that I get to be home at 4:30 in the afternoon each day and since Holly works during the day that works out perfectly. I will also not have to deal with Gayle any longer. She isn't a bad person, in fact she is a very decent person who strives very hard to do her best at her job, however, blame it on a personality conflict if you wish, I do not think she has very great managerial skills. It finally got to be too much, simple as that. I will do the right thing and give her a full two weeks notice however, I feel that is only fair seeing as how most of her employees think it prudent to just quit unannounced half the time. Unfortunately I will have to take a pay cut from 7.75 an hour to something lower from what I can tell. Luckily it will be no lower than 7.10 but I'm hoping for something in the middle, we'll have to see.

I signed up for classes this semester thinking I would make some solid progress towards graduation, but due to scheduling conflicts and a slightly abnormal slot for priority registration I will be making no quite so much progress towards actually finishing my major, but significant progress in improving my overall GPA. That's good news. I enjoy my classes, some of them more than I thought I would, English 322 for example. I'm not someone who normally makes comments in class or even asks questions, but something in that class excites me to want to actually learn it and learn it well besides.

On a personal note: Peter Budaj is the starting goalie for the Colorado Avalanche. He makes $650,000 a year. His backup? The over-rated and extremely overpaid Jose Theodore who makes $5,500,000 a year. Does it make, not exactly. Is it extremely cool that Budaj is the starter...hell yes.

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