Sunday, December 17, 2006

My Wife Takes Me For A Sedative

Holly has discovered recently that it is easier for her to fall asleep either at night for bed, or in the afternoon for a nap if I am there for her to cuddle with. I think it is pretty cool, what self-respecting husband wouldn't? Honestly. She says that I trick her into lying down for a quick rest and then I get up 45 minutes later to do something and she is down for the count for about 3 or 4 hours. So I mean it when I say that my wife takes me for a sedative. I am the perfect sleeping pill. How cool is that.

Finals are upon me and yes, I do not want to do them, but today has been a good day, and yesterday was great, so despite having to work on school for the next couple of days I am in a pretty good mood.