I should be laboring diligently on my research paper regarding Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness at the moment, if for no other reason than I meant to do it two days ago so it would be finished well ahead of when it is due. However, I've done a few additions and subtractions over the past couple of hours and may well work on it again before retiring, but I may also just set my alarm for 8:00am and attack it anew in the morning. The only problem with that is the other things I need to do tomorrow. There isn't much left to finish with this paper, two paragraphs and a couple of supporting quotes is all, but I just don't want to work on it right now. I want it to be Thursday already with finals finished and two weeks of nothing but my own whims to haunt me.
I recently discovered how to consolidate all three of my blogs, Scrap Judgment, Elemental Concentration, and Captain Jack Frogger onto the same username which brings me large amounts of joy. I would like to someday become the kind of person who publishes to several blogs, each pertaining to different subjects or other such things, and actually has a decently sized following. I've got family and friends who read my blogs, or at least one of them from time to time, and they seem to enjoy them which brings my great pleasure, but I still have to conquer the ever-present wall of motivation that inhibits me from publishing in a consistent manner. Captain Jack Frogger, odd name, yes I know, is supposed to be an avenue for the sharing of my own creative works in writing. I would like to have it be one that is published weekly, with new material for reading and commenting upon by any who wish to. Scrap Judgment is meant to be my personal blog with tidbits of news about life, school and family; the types of things I would normally write in my journal that I don't seem to find time to keep anymore. That leaves me with Elemental Concentration which previously served in the capacity that this blog now does. I don't exactly know what to do with Elemental Concentration, but perhaps someone can suggest a profitable use for it. If not, I will just hold on to it until I can think of something myself.
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