I am grateful to my instructors that have decided to make most of my finals take-home with open notes and open book. That reduces my stress level quite a bit. I'm also grateful that none of my finals are until Tuesday of next week which will let me have plenty of time to study. Now, if I can just finish my ISYS 100 & ISYS 101 lessons and take the finals before tomorrow evening at midnight. That would be nice.
Today has been a great day so far. I got to wake up, not too early, but not late by any means, and I got to get a ride here to campus from Holly as she made her way to work. I don't mind cold weather much, but I can live without having to walk around in it. I have lot's, repeat that: LOT'S of homework to complete today, but I would say that I am thoroughly in the groove and will get everything done in plenty of time.

I really like my wife. I think I like her far more than anyone else likes their wife actually. I'm sure there are plenty of men willing to argue that point, but I'm right on this one so the rest of them will just have to deal with it. Holly lets me watch sports whenever I want, she handles me stressing out over small things, she lets me have my odd quirks that make little sense to anyone, she even likes to watch TV on DVD with me as long as I want to. We share lot's of things, like a love for American Idol and Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, BYU sports, etc. She looks real fancy when she leaves for work each day, probably far fancier than I ever look to be certain. I love her with everything I've got and if anyone wants to have a problem with that they can start running now.
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