Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Checking In

It has been a couple of weeks since I jotted down a few goals I have for this year and I figured I would do a little self-evaluation on a couple of them to make sure that I am doing well. In the new job realm I have accomplished that goal at least temporarily in that on Feb. 5th I will be starting work over at Helaman Halls working in the afternoons instead of the evenings. Holly is thrilled at the prospect of having me home each day at 4:00 instead of 9:00. I may have to do homework when she is at home, but just being able to be in the same house at the same time will be enjoyable.

I haven't begun to write in a journal every day yet, but that is because I haven't felt that if I were to start I would be consistent yet. I have been working on making a routine that will help me with that and I'm making good progress. So far my email address is the same: which is pleasing several people from what I hear.

I thought for a long time on what my new hobby or activity would be for this year and I am leaning towards joining the staff at a campus literary journal called Inscape. I've decided on this for a couple of reasons, one that it would be good experience for my major and will help me find a job that is not custodial next fall, two I think it would be fun and finally that it will only take a couple hours out of my week at any given time. My good friend Reece is planning on joining with me, so perhaps we will get to work together at some point on editing the submissions.

Today is also the day that I am going to try writing in lowercase letters again to see how it works. I'm a little worried that everyone I know will have no clear idea of my identity any longer and that my posse will rebel in a mutinous moment of rage. On the other hand, I'm pretty sure that nobody will actually care. I just want to see if it helps at all with the hand cramps that I have been having lately because I have noticed that I grip my pen or pencil much more tightly when I am writing with all capitals. I've also set myself up with a project of personal interest. I am going to do the best I can to total the number of pages that I have read since the beginning of high school or slightly before. I have a feeling that it is going to be a very big number, but I'm curious to see what exactly it is. This idea comes from wanting to know if I have read 1,000,000 pages in my lifetime yet. I am pretty sure that I haven't, but it would be cool if I could accomplish that at some point. Luckily for me I can remember lots of the books that I have read over the years so I should be able to get an accurate count.

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